Thursday, October 1, 2009

We all scream for ice cream

My habit has created a monster--not a Cookie Monster--but rather an ice cream fiend. "Ice. Ice. Ice." says Georgia. Grandma "Dee" taught her how to lick her own in the States. (And she'll show you how--sans cone even--if you ask.)

So today she got her very own frozen treat because spoonfuls of mine just don't suffice.

Ice. Ice. Ice.


  1. Tammy, I just want to say you that I love you for all you are! (it is a shy declaration, but is it one)

    You are such a sensible person - I believe in your sensibility, it's what your blog shows - a big sensibility between the life... your family, Felipe and Georgia, and it also shows a different way to see the life, congratulations!!!! You deserve!!!


  2. Bravo to Heloisa comment. Love Mom xxxx oooo

  3. blush blush...estou ficando VERMELHO! i am red in the face. but who more than family can be so kind? obrigada!
    lots of love!
