Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Cozy Baby



Baby boy's wardrobe was about complete...lots of store bought basics from the States. And I had already sewed him a little layette. Perhaps the only thing missing was a few little sweaters...to keep baby warm.

And I can't knit. Thank goodness for Brazilian Grandma Vera and her swift knitting needles. My mother-in-law just delivered these gorgeous little jackets--lovingly handmade and soft to the touch. The most sentimental aspect...she based one of the designs on my husband's initialed "FM" cream baby sweater.

She left a space before the initial of our last name "M"...it was either that or a question mark.

Baby boy...baby boy. Time is running short. We need a name!


  1. tammy,
    nossa primeira filha, eva ganhou nome 3 dias depois de nascer, a leona já tinha 20 dias quando decidimos o nome.
    fiquem tranquilos que o nome vai aparecer.

  2. How beautiful the little sweaters are. Well how is the name game going? love to you all

  3. All I can say is they are beautiful!!!!! Vera you are so talented!!!!!!!
    Cannot wait to see you all and the new baby boy!!!!!!!!

  4. she really did a beautiful job! : )

    Ilana...what a relief!!! na verdade achou que os outros estao mais estressadas do que a gente....sei que ele nao vai ficar sem nome!!! bjao para voce e sua familia linda!
