Monday, February 8, 2010

It (still) wiggles and jiggles. But it's gourmet!

I lied when I said that I only ate cheese buns and cake this weekend. I had some jello, too. And, trust me, this is not the kid's cafeteria variety. It is, well, gourmet jello. So leave the Cool Whip in the fridge and, please, skip those floating pineapple slices and/or mini marshmallows. Do try this recipe. Serve it to your guests and don't tell them a thing. The flavor will be a pleasant surprise. They'll want the recipe (like me). So thank you to the multi-talented Daniela for sharing her Auntie's recipe and history (plus a post in Portuguese--oba!). English translation follows...

Gelatina da Tia Marilu

Tenho uma Tia Avó Marilu , irmã mais nova da minha avó Dirce, sempre que tinha almoço na casa dela, na sobremesa era servida esta gelatina, uma mistura de especiarias. Este gosto ficou gravado no meu paladar. Quando meu primeiro filho nasceu e fui fazer seu primeiro aniversário, aprendi, frequentando outras festinhas, que gelatina era uma das coisa que se fazia para as crianças. No meu primeiro filho, eu estava muito naquela onda "não vou dar nada industrializado / corante artificial para ele". Então, lembrei da gelatina da Tia Lu, que era feita em casa com geletina sem sabor, misturando vários ingredientes. Na verdade, gelatina é isso: vc faz um belo chá de coisas que vc gosta e depois acrescenta as folhas de gelatina sem sabor, com ou sem corante, e pronto, vc faz delícias! Aqui vai a receita:

1 e 1/2 litro de água
gelatina suficiente para 1 e 1/2 litro de água - depende da marca, sempre vem escrito na embalagem
um punhado pequeno de cravo
3 paus de canela
4 colheres de sopa de erva doce
1 limão
casca de 1 laranja
açúcar a gosto (eu coloco 1 ch)
1 copo pequeno de vinho branco (mais ou menos isso)

modo de fazer
ponha a água para ferver. Quando estiver fervendo, separe 1/2 litro de água, misture a gelatina e deixe de lado. Com o restante da água ainda no fogo, coloque todos os ingredientes (menos o vinho) para fazer um grande chá. Quando vc perceber que o sabor dos ingredientes se misturou bastante na água, retire do fogo, coe com um pano e misture esse "chá" com gelatina e o vinho. Deixe esfriar e ponha na geladeira. Após aprox. 4 horas está pronto para comer...

Auntie MariLu's Jello (English Translation)

I have a great aunt named Marilu. She is the youngest sister of my Grandma Dirce. Whenever we had lunch at her house, this jello would be served for dessert and my taste buds memorized the flavors. So when my first son was born and I started to plan his first birthday party, I noticed at all these kids parties that jello was always served. But with my first child, I was into that mode of "I won't serve my son anything industrialized or with artificial flavors." That is when I remembered Auntie Lu's jello. Homemade and made with natural gelatin that you mix your own ingredients to give flavor. Actually that is what jello is---a beautiful tea of things you like. The unflavored gelatin absorbs any flavors/spices. You can add color or not. It's ready. It's delicious. So here is the recipe:

1 1/2 liters of water
Gelatin sufficient for that amount (it depends on the brand but just read the packaging)
A Handful of clove
3 Cinnamon Sticks
4 Tablespoons of Anise
1 Lemon
Peel of one orange
Sugar as you like (I use 1 cup.)
Optional: One small cup of white wine

How to prepare:

Boil your water. Separate 1/2 liter and mix in the gelatin. Put all your ingredients (except wine) in the 1/2 liter of water that remains on the stove. When the ingredients have mixed really well, take it off the stove and sift through a cloth. Mix this "tea" in with the gelatin and wine. Let it cool for four hours. Enjoy.

The best part is that this gourmet version is just as fun to eat--squishy and all. But oh so delicious....

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