Saturday, November 14, 2009

Girl's Best Friend

Mine's name is Bogart.
Even if he likes to sleep on my belly
in 90 degree heat.
I thank him for letting Georgia pull on his tail
and step on his feet.
And never reminding her he that he came along


  1. Oi Tammy,
    seu blog esta muito bom!!! tente colocar algo em portugues também, é só uma sugestao, pois esta muito bom mesmo e nem todo mundo le ingles....
    Onde vc dá aulas???? adoraria fazer ballet!!!
    quer divulgar seus cupcakes no meu blog??? me diga que armamos

  2. ola Doris!
    You know I would absolutely love to write in Portuguese. But gee...I am awful at it! I once told a client to "deixar um ricardo no meu celular" and I just wanted a message (recado, no?) not a Richard! Perhaps it is time to go to school. Or maybe Georgia will teach me? Or perhaps i could invite a guest blogger (like maybe, you?)!!! Also, I would be honored to be on your blog. "Coisas da doris" is simply fantastic! beijos

  3. your blog is adorable. i'll definetly be coming back!
